There are four aspects of the skin that determine the health of the skin:

By monitoring the percentage of free water in the epidermis, one can ascertain a number of key “skin health” indicators, including the condition of the first three lines of skin barrier defense, the enzymatic action of the epidermis and the levels of fluid intake and dispersion of fluid intake.

Skin Lipid levels
Testing skin lipids will determine the amount of oil being excreted to the skin surface and the state of the acid mantle. As the acid mantle is the first line of skin barrier defense, the quality of the surface fluid balance is a useful diagnostic tool when diagnosing skin disorders like eczema and allergic contact dermatitis, rosacea type conditions and essential fatty acid deficiency. In these cases, the health of the acid mantle should be measured as a point of reference.

Increasingly important is a measurement of the melanin content of the skin. Today, with so many mixed ethnicities the risk factors and protocols for many treatments involving heat, abrasion or chemicals need to be determined before choosing a modality. By measuring the melanin content over various sites of the body, we can determine what the base photo-type is, but accurately assesses the rate of melanogenesis and minimal erythemic dose (MED) or burn time.

The measuring of erythema (or the density of the vascular mat) provides information that will indicate the predisposition to permanent diffused redness and flushing. It also tells us about the density of the supporting connective tissue of the dermis and the level of damage in older skins. Measuring vascularity provides more accurate data than subjective opinion and a more precise condition change can be determined – when referenced measurements are compared over time.
Once you have conducted a professional skin analysis, there should be a wealth of valuable information at your fingertips that will help you determine exactly what has gone wrong and what treatment solutions are required.

Key points of reference needed to be established for the most important parameters or aspects of the skin. These parameters cannot be guessed; they must be measured to be credible and useful.


At Face Fitness, our methodology consists of three parts: Client health/history consultation questionnaire, visual inspection, and scientific measurement:

  • How to link skin structure and function to skin conditions
  • How to quickly determine leading causes and to link that cause to skin structure and function
  • Understand the “cascade” effect that is a result of related conditions
  • Determine triggers and contributing factors of the conditions
  • How to prioritize treatment order for maximum results


A detailed skin analysis will determine the following:

  • Genetic history
  • Nutrition and lifestyle
  • Cosmetic and medical history
  • Client skin type
  • Intrinsic factors (born with a genetic predisposition)
  • Extrinsic factors (developed through clients
    work/play lifestyle)
  • Treatment risk factors and client home care recommendations



The consultation will also provide you with information about:

  • The primary cause of conditions
  • The secondary effect on cells and systems
  • Priority skin conditions and secondary
    skin conditions


These discoveries will lead you to:

  • Identifying the first priority skin condition for
    clinical intervention
  • Second priority skin condition for client home care
  • What treatment modalities to use and in what order



Only with this knowledge can you prepare a credible summary report on a client’s skin conditions and prescribe effective treatment plans. As mentioned, the fundamentals of determining cause and identifying affected cells and systems are the cornerstones of treatment success. Without this information, it can be a “hit or miss” approach to prescribing an effective treatment plan. Many skin conditions require a multiple treatment modality approach … but, which one should be used first? What order and frequency will be required? Most often, when the cause of the skin condition is addressed first, the levels of improvement of subsequent treatment steps are accelerated; delivering faster and better results. It is this type of knowledge and approach to skin treatment therapy that gets results!

If your tired of guessing about your skin, let the estheticians at Face Fitness give you the answer about your skin. We will determine where to start, what products to use and design a treatment plan to achieve healthy skin!  To schedule an appointment, please call 631-0964 or CLICK HERE.

Written by

Kathy Morell LE, LC, LMT